Somatic Body Work Massage
Start: Sat Aug 2, 2025
End: Sun Aug 3, 2025
Meeting Days: S,SU
Meeting Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: CLII 127
The human mind and body interact in intricate and intriguing ways. Our thoughts and emotions connect directly with our muscle tone, which reflect our perceptions directly and immediately. This connection offers bodyworkers access to our clients’ neuromuscular and myofascial organization. The way we breathe is an immediate and direct effect of our thoughts and emotions, moment to moment. In ‘Somatic Bodywork’ we will explore techniques and concepts that can be applied in a massage session with the intention of softening and expanding the mechanisms of breathing, facilitating parasympathetic responses. A goal here is to expand the effect achieved during a bodywork session to the client’s everyday management of worry and anxiety. Dress comfortably. Bring: 1 set of sheets, face cradle cover, and blanket. Massage tables and water provided. (12 CE hours for Massage Therapists. Instructor Chuck LaFrano NCBTMB#344)