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Massage Massage

Scar Tissue Massage


    Start: Sat Jul 12, 2025
    End: Sun Jul 13, 2025
    Meeting Days: S,SU
    Meeting Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Location: CLII 127

    Inefficient healing of scar tissue after surgery or injury can seriously affect quality of life and increase health costs. The ability to influence the scar tissue matrix’ organization is key to achieving maximum range of motion and muscle function. This class will provide participants with an overview of Scar Tissue massage techniques and practices. Lectures will focus on the connective tissue processes of wound healing, both post-surgery and post-injury, including the energy dynamics of scar tissue remodeling. The hands-on portion will consist of demonstrations of various scar tissue massage techniques performed on a variety of scar tissue conditions and restrictions. The demonstrations are followed by participants’ active massage work on scar tissue situations, with instructor assistance and guidance. Dress comfortably and BRING: two sets of sheet set with face cradle covers, a blanket, snacks/lunch, and note taking materials to every class. Massage tables and water provided. (12 CE hours for Massage Therapists Chuck LaFrano NCBTMB #344.)