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Sports Massage


    Start: Sat Jun 14, 2025
    End: Sun Jun 15, 2025
    Meeting Days: S,SU
    Meeting Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Location: CLII 127

    Chuck LaFrano’s Sports Massage course is the result of his 7 seasons as head of the massage team for the Chicago Bears as well as his many client-athletes, plus over 28 years of teaching Sports Massage. You will learn: the critical role for athletes of the Sacro-iliac joints and the tibia-fibula relationship, injury-solving and -preventing theories and techniques, pre-event techniques that improve cardio-pulmonary efficiency with clear contraindications, detailed approaches to rotator cuff and anterior cruciate ligament problems, simple, easy to implement proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques, correcting leg-length discrepancies, using reciprocal inhibition, and more. Plus, Sports Massage techniques work very well on most physical problems and tissue conditions with non-athletes, giving them broad applications beyond the realm of sports. Dress comfortably and BRING: two sets of sheet set with face cradle covers, a blanket, snacks/lunch, and note taking materials to every class. Massage tables and water provided. (12 CE hours for Massage Therapists. Chuck LaFrano NCBTMB #344.