Raindrop Technique-
Start: Sun Mar 2, 2025
End: Sun Mar 2, 2025
Meeting Days: SU,SU
Meeting Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Location: CLII 122
Start: Sun Mar 2, 2025
End: Sun Mar 2, 2025
Meeting Days: SU,SU
Meeting Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Location: CLII 127
The Raindrop Technique is a unique holistic method that helps restore balance and harmonize all levels of the physical, emotional, and energetic body. This is a sacred and incredibly therapeutic delivery of essential oils. The art of dripping unadulterated, therapeutic-grade essential oils onto the body from a height (like rain), so that the oils interact with the physical body as well as the energy field. These oils are then “feathered in” using a spine-tingling technique. Because the essential oils easily penetrate the skin and muscles, the technique works on deep levels of the body without requiring hard pressure or force. Procedure includes using hands on application of 11 essential oils via Vita Flex on the feet, back body, and special techniques to help the body release, rejuvenate, relax, and detox. Students will learn how to create their own unique Raindrop sessions for others with various needs. All participants will have the opportunity to give & receive full raindrop sessions on feet and back.
Important Information . You do not need a license to take this class. However, when “Performing Massage” a license is required to perform massage in many states. Please check with your state guidelines before performing the Raindrop Technique® on individuals outside your family. . ALL Oils are PROVIDED for in-class use & practice. After the class, students will be offered an opportunity to purchase their own Raindrop Kits through the teacher at a discount. . Fingernails must be trimmed BELOW the finger pad and REMOVE all Nail Polish. . Bring your own set of twin sheets for Hands-on Learning. . Contraindications: If you are currently pregnant or have a history of blood clots you cannot participate in the hands-on portion of this class but can still observe the practice.
7 CE hours for Massage Therapists NCBTMB#1495