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Servsafe Food Safety Manager


    Start: Thu May 15, 2025
    End: Thu May 15, 2025
    Meeting Days: TH
    Meeting Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Location: CLII 120

    The Illinois Department of Public Health requires all food service operations that prepare and serve food to have a certified food service manager on the premises at all times when food is being handled. To receive the Food Service Sanitation Manager Certification, an employee must take an approved 8-hour training course and take the exam which immediately follows the course. A passing grade is 70% or higher. The certification is valid for 5 years, after which re-certification is required. Required Attendance : Mandatory attendance is required. You must arrive promptly by 8:00 am Included : Book. BRING: Photo ID to class.