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  4. Breathwork
Awareness of Mind, Body, Soul Awareness of Mind, Body, Soul



    Start: Sat Apr 5, 2025 8:00 AM
    End: Sat Apr 5, 2025
    Location: KECI 001

    (Ages 18 - Adult) NEO-Shamanic Breathwork (NSB) is an experiential process that uses breathing, music and safe space to facilitate expanded states of awareness for self-exploration and healing. Neo-Shamanic Breathwork stands in and is deeply connected to the tradition of Holotropic Breathwork as well as Jungian and Neo- Jungian maps of the soul. NSB involves, accelerated breathing, evocative music, bodywork, mandala drawing and group sharing in a safe environment with a trained facilitator. This powerful technique allows participants to access a wide range of experiences for the purpose of personal and spiritual growth. Experience the transformative power of Neo-Shamanic Breathwork. . Connect with your inner wisdom and intuition . Release physical and emotional blockages . Access deeper states of relaxation and meditation . Increase self-awareness and personal growth . Experience sometimes profound healing and spiritual connections BRING: a journal & blanket; WEAR: comfortable clothes REQUIRED: email RVC-CCE@RockValleyCollege.edu prior to registration for important information of benefits/risks of this workshop. Additionally, a completed screening form will be required. WARNING: This workshop involves loud music, and may provoke participants yelling, screaming, crying, or sobbing. Consult your healthcare provider before participating. Do NOT participate if you have: - Cardiovascular disease - Heart attacks, high blood pressure, and angina - Glaucoma or retinal detachment - Recent injury or surgery - Any condition that requires you to take medication - Panic attacks or psychosis - Seizures - Severe mental illness - Aneurysms (or family history) - You are pregnant or are breastfeeding Location announced after completed screening form returned.